Meet Jim

Jim is an experienced Business Owner Operator, Sales Leader and Communicator - his mission is to get better and to walk along side you and get better together.

“My goal is to communicate from a place of experience with empathy and a sincere desire to make an impact and inspire those that read this blog.

A primary focus of mine has always been leadership. i want to provide insights and tools to help leaders build high performing teams.

As a recruiter of talent for many years, I feel I have developed a keen eye for recognizing potential. An additional emphasis for me is assisting organizations and leaders with acquiring their most valuable asset, people, by sharing strategies and methods that work.

I am a husband of one beautiful lady, Becky. We have been married for 45 years. We have 2 wonderful daughters and they have brought us 2 bonus sons and 4 grandchildren.

The number one priority in my life is as a child of God. The main thing I hope to share in this blog is my understanding of the daily struggle to maintain the Godly principles that I cling to with all that I have. I want everyone to feel the hope that that we all have in Christ and that no matter how imperfect we are, there is nothing we can do to separate ourselves from the love of God.”

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