Let’s break through all the noise and identify where the fortune in business can be found. The selling of a product or service is the genesis of any enterprise.  Businesses never reach their potential till they truly address the fact that these sales don’t just happen.

So sales is where we will find fortune in business.  Yes, but it is more specific than that.  

First, let’s agree that prospecting is more important than the sale.

I'm aware that some of you may take issue with this assertion. It was a concept that took me considerable time to accept as truth. How could prospecting possibly outweigh the importance of closing a deal? It's common knowledge that without the ability to close, you won’t make the sale. Yet, one pivotal question brings into focus what truly matters in the sales process: How did the person you're attempting to close come into your sales funnel in the first place? Whether they walked into your storefront, called in, or were reached out to via an email or phone call, each of these actions epitomizes the art of prospecting. Absent prospecting, there would be no prospective client to convert.

Prospecting is the process of acquiring new customers by identifying, engaging and converting them from potential to actual customers.

Successfully initiating contact or re-engaging after a presentation typically necessitates between 8-12 outreach attempts.  What that indicates to us is that this action requires tenacity and persistence.  Strategic follow-up entails conscientiously planning each subsequent call after your initial attempts, be it the first, second, third, and so on. 

If we agree that the act of prospecting is the most important part of the entire sales process, surpassing even the completion of a sale, and acknowledge that the mastery of our follow-up process is the determining factor for the success of our prospecting efforts, then we must recognize the following: 

The true treasure we seek in business is uncovered through diligent follow-up.

Implementing an effective follow-up process is key to sustaining and growing your business. It's not as simple as just prompting your team to follow up—this approach rarely works and isn't sustainable.

Follow-up is not easy; it demands discipline, dedication, and perseverance. Consistency is often a struggle because let's face it—follow-up can be uncomfortable and is frequently avoided by many sales professionals.

Yet, there's a clear path to building a solid follow-up system within any company, and it starts with these three steps:

  1. Belief 

The challenge of follow-up is largely mental. To kick off a follow-up initiative, it is critical to instill confidence in your team. They need to have faith in their own abilities and the value of what they're selling.

Often, avoidance of follow-up is tied to a fear of rejection—overcoming this begins with a strong belief in oneself. When your team believes deeply in their capabilities and the benefits of your offerings, they're unstoppable.

Fostering this belief comes down to providing training and support to increase their confidence. When they are confident, their communication naturally becomes more persuasive and effective. 

2. System

An efficient follow-up process needs structure and order. A solid system tracks interactions, implements reminders, and harnesses technology to streamline the process.

By detailed documentation of each customer interaction, you're not only preparing for future communications but also showing clients that you're engaged and care about their experience.

Monitoring follow-up activities and measuring responses are also part of developing a good system. It's about knowing and understanding the metrics that guide your daily business development efforts to ultimately reach your sales goals.

3. Value

Effective follow-up is about adding value in your communications, not just routine check-ins like "Have you made a decision yet?" These questions offer no real value if a prospect had decided, they would have likely reached out to you.

Instead, think about providing information that aids their decision-making. Enhance your follow-up with added insights, whether data that demonstrates increased ROI or a testimonial video that resonates with them.

Being creative with how you demonstrate value to your prospects can make a significant difference. It's important they understand the benefits of what's being offered from their perspective.

And here's the straight talk: If conversions from follow-ups are low, the potential of your business may not be fully realized.

It's vital to adopt the mindset that every customer is a buyer—it's just a question of when. Most won't actively research if they aren't already considering a purchase. For those in B2C sales, convincing should take place under the notion that many make their purchase decision shortly after their initial interaction.

If you're ready to elevate your follow-up process by applying these three steps and nurturing the suggested mindset, I encourage you to connect. It's time to move forward and win!

Expect to succeed because with the right system in place, you will!

Expect to Win!


The Power of Words: Harnessing Their Impact for Good


I’m Still … On a journey chasing better