In Loving Memory …

In loving memory of Tommie Gene Thompson. My best friend, trusted mentor and my hero for over 40 years.

With youth comes the need for direction.

Not demands, but trusted, thoughtful guidance,

From respectful, hopeful, and loving hearts.

You entered my life in my youth—

A much-needed presence, a steady light.

Trusted. Thoughtful. Respectful. Hopeful. Loving.

When we met, neither of us knew

What this connection would grow to be.

Forty years, a journey together,

Through life’s highest peaks and lowest valleys.

I remember that box of rubber stamps,

Each marked with a name, a story, a hope—

A symbol of belief in others.

Why would I be any different, I wondered?

But you taught me something profound:

To never measure anyone by another’s failure,

To see each person with fresh hope,

To treat them with grace and possibility.

Smiling through tears, I recall the times:

Celebrations at life’s pinnacles,

Moments of sadness at the bottom’s depths.

Together, we faced excruciating pain,

And together, we soared to the highest of highs.

Through it all, you were my true north—

The one I could trust to guide me,

Thoughtfully and lovingly, to the Godly and right way.

You were always there

Not just in times to celebrate,

But in the very tough times especially.

When my Dad died, I looked up &

in the ICU waiting room,  you & Pam were there.

How did you know?

When you care, you find out.

You were a Christ-like example to me:

Giving selflessly, thinking of others,

Spreading love, and putting smiles on faces.

We shared church pews and program meetings,

Training sessions and road trips,

Sooner games and funerals.

Life’s tapestry wove us together,

With threads of laughter, tears, and trust.

Your belief in me, when I had none,

Your fierce loyalty, unwavering and strong—

You have been my mentor, my hero.

I watched your love for Pam,

Your devotion to Sheila and Jennifer,

Your role in Conner’s life was an inspiration.

I will never forget:

The many, many times we laughed together,

The way you loved me and my family,

The way I felt when I was with you.

Your ability to talk with anyone,

To tell stories that made us laugh or cry.

Our time on the golf course,

Those long conversations that touched every part of life.

You taught me not just how to live,

But how to love, how to believe,

How to trust, how to lead.

For forty years, you have been my guide.

Thank you, my mentor, my friend.

Rest in peace and I will see you later.

I love you!


Beyond the Bottom Line: I Need More


Lessons from Great Coaches for Today’s Leaders Series: Mike Tomlin