3 Steps to Level 10 Belief in Yourself
Here is why Increasing your belief in yourself, your ability and that you can achieve your goals is so important:
“The biggest difference I've noticed between successful people and unsuccessful people isn't intelligence or opportunity or resources. It's the belief that they can make their goals happen.”
This quote from James Clear tells us exactly why we need to create a system for increasing our belief and keeping it in check. As I mentioned in my previous blog post, The Single Biggest Differentiator Between Success and Failure is belief.
Where does what we believe in come from? How is it derived?
Why do I believe that exercise is good for my health? Why do I believe that if I brush my teeth multiple times daily that I will have healthy teeth and gums?
“You are not born with preset beliefs. Every belief, including those about yourself, is learned and conditioned through experience.” James Clear
We have many beliefs and they come from a variety of sources. These beliefs come from our experiences, both direct and indirect. Many of them come from people that we listen to.
Since what we believe is the most important influence on who we are and what we become, it is important to examine not only our beliefs but the source of what we choose to believe.
Because we have a choice about what we believe, then we can definitely change any of these beliefs that limit our abilities or prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams.
Here are 3 questions you need to ask yourself about your business:
1. Are you responsible for your own destiny?
2. Do you have access to everything that you need to be successful?
3. Are you capable? Can you do it?
If the answer to number 1 is yes, and the answer to number 2 is yes, then it boils down to number 3.
The answer you need here is not the one that you say out loud, but it is the one that immediately comes into your mind prior to you saying or even consciously answering the question. Does it have any influence of fear and doubt near it? This may be the hardest question to get someone to answer honestly. If the answer is no, 99% of people would never say it out loud. But, you better be honest with yourself if you want to truly be successful.
80% of sales people and businesses fail because of lack of belief in themselves and the fear and doubt that destroys any belief.
"Stinkin' Thinkin” as my hero Zig Ziglar talked about, has destroyed the careers of many people that depended upon closing the deal to stay in business.
Here Are Some diagnostic questions to ask yourself:
Who do I spend most of my time with?
Who do I listen to most often?
How Much and what do I watch on TV?
What books have I read in the last year?
How Much time do I spend dedicated to personal growth?
Who do I respect the most in my life? Why?
Who can change my mind the easiest?
3 Steps to get your Belief to a Level 10
I want to give you 3 steps that you can take to increase your Belief in yourself to a Level 10.
Level UP! Next Level!
But first, let’s be honest about how we hold ourselves accountable. We tend to want to give ourselves too much slack in all areas of our lives.
Cheat days on diets.
Screw off days at work.
Light day at the gym.
This is very important - Get your mind right!
If you are going to Level up - get to a Level 10 life, you are not allowed a mulligan or any slack.
Everyday means EVERY day. Every time means EVERY time.
Step 1. Start Your Every Day With Positive Input.
How you start your day is vital.
Read good books
Listen to good material
What inspires and motivates you?
Establish a routine. Develop the habits that serve you everyday.
This routine should become the catalyst to your success. It is the time that you begin your self-talk each day. What are you saying in your mind to yourself? Are you building yourself up or tearing yourself down? Are you building the belief that you have in you, your abilities and your future?
This requires a process - a system to examine these things. The beginning of that system is to recognize that it is important to monitor your inner dialogue and be alerted to the negative that can get in your head. Then replace it with positive reinforcement.
When I would catch the little voice in my head, saying “you don’t need to even try” or “it never works for you”. I would just say out loud - “Not this time!” or “I can conquer all things with Christ who strengthens me.”
Step 2. Keep Your Every Promise You Make To Yourself.
In 1785, Robert Burns wrote a poem titled “To a Mouse”.
Here is an excerpt from that poem:
The best-laid schemes of mice and men
Go oft awry,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!
Why do the best laid schemes or plans of men often go awry? Could it be that we just don’t follow-through? We just don’t step up and honor our commitments and do what we had planned to do.
One of the most important ingredients in building belief in anything is knowing you can count on IT. Having confidence that IT will be there when IT is supposed to be. If IT lets you down, how strong will your belief in IT be?
Let’s replace IT with you or I.
One of the most important ingredients in building belief in myself is knowing I can count on ME. Having confidence that I will be there when I am supposed to be. If I let myself down, how strong will my belief in ME be?
Here is the habit building exercise that I have implemented:
If you know that you need to exercise and make the decision that you will get up in the morning and the very first thing you will do is exercise, then there is only one thing left to do - DO IT!
If you have a task that needs to be done, you enter it in your calendar to accomplish it or you make a decision about when you are going to do it, then there is only one thing left to do - DO IT!
If you have the thought about something you need to do, and it is something you can do now, then there is only one thing left to do - DO IT!
I assure you if you will implement the “DO IT!” strategy, it will become a habit that permeates your entire life. The effect it has on your belief in yourself is transforming.
Step 3. Be a Servant Everyday.
From an article in Psychology Today,
“Research has found many examples of how doing good, in ways big or small, not only feels good, but also does us good. For instance, the well-being-boosting and depression-lowering benefits of volunteering have been repeatedly documented. As has the sense of meaning and purpose that often accompanies altruistic behavior.”
There is nothing that can affect our attitude positively more than doing something for someone else. Increase the effect by doing it anonymously.
This is something that God created within us. I watch my young grandchildren and they are never happier than after Mom & Dad have made them make something special for someone and then taken them to give that special something to someone that needed encouragement. They always get more out of it than the recipient. They may have pouted through the making of it, but they light up brightly with joy when they realize that they have truly blessed someone with their gesture. Everything is in alignment. They have confidence and belief in themselves because they did something good!
Make a commitment to do something for someone with a need, everyday. Be an inspiration, give encouragement, be of service - put a smile on the face and heart of another human being.
This requires us to be aware of those that are in need and that even if it's just making a call or sending a message, do it.
It also requires us to get the focus off of ourselves and onto someone else. Selflessness is a huge building block towards belief in ourselves.
Believing in ourselves is very important, but in a recent survey as much as 70% of the respondents said they didn’t have a great belief in themselves. It’s important that we be intentional about increasing our belief in ourselves.
The title of this post is “3 Steps to Level 10 Belief”.
What is Level 10? It comes from a book written by Hal Elrod, “The Miracle Morning”. The book is about creating a Level 10 life by taking 10 areas of your life and getting each one to a level 10.
What is the definition of Level 10? Level 10 is different for everyone. Level 10 is the best I can be in that area and in my life.
Reaching a Level 10 belief, is to reach the highest level of belief in myself that I can.
The 3 steps to achieve that are:
Everyday Start Your Day With Positive Input.
Keep Every Promise You Make To Yourself.
Be a Servant Everyday.
Believe - Expect to Win!
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